International embassies express concern over suspension of Klan Kosova license



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International embassies representing France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union in Kosovo have jointly expressed deep concern over the recent decision by the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship, and Trade (MINT) to uphold the suspension of Klan Kosova television’s business license.

In a joint statement issued by QUINT and the EU on Friday, the embassies conveyed their specific worries about the disproportionate nature of the decision, highlighting its potential negative impact on media pluralism within Kosovo.

The situation unfolded when MINT rejected Klan Kosova’s appeal to overturn the suspension of their business certificate.

In response, the embassies have underscored the significance of thoroughly reviewing any decision to revoke media licenses, emphasizing that freedom of expression and access to information are fundamental pillars of democratic societies.

Stressing the need for a fair and transparent legal process to resolve the matter, the foreign embassies in Pristina have called for a comprehensive examination of the issue at hand.

The Commission for Reviewing Appeals for Business Registration, after careful evaluation, determined that the Kosovo Business Registration Agency (ARBK) had acted in accordance with the law when suspending Klan Kosova’s business certificate.

With this decision, the Ministry concludes its part in the process, leaving the complaining party with the option to seek legal recourse in the appropriate court, as disclosed by MINT.

This development stems from the Ministry’s filing of a criminal complaint against the business company of Klan Kosova on June 14.

The complaint raised concerns about discrepancies in the business certificate, specifically pertaining to changes in ownership, which reportedly listed Peja – Serbia and Gjakova – Serbia.

On June 21, the ARBK temporarily annulled the initial decision to suspend the private television station’s business certificate. However, the suspension was subsequently reinstated on June 22.

Klan Kosova, the national private television station, has been broadcasting since February 17, 2009.
