The decision by the Albanian government regarding private beach stations along the coastline in 2025 is expected to halve the number of seasonal businesses in Pogradec.
This is because the law stipulates that beach spaces can only be utilized by accommodation units.
The proportion of spaces in the lakeside city has now shifted from 70% private and 30% public to 80% public and 20% private.
“The ratio for 2025 is 80% public beaches and 20% private beaches, as only 20% of them will have the opportunity for private beaches based on accommodation rooms, beds, and campgrounds. According to the law issued in September, only accommodation structures will have the right to use spaces for private beaches,” says Enjela Karafili, Director of Taxation.
However, a representative of the Business Association considers this decision to negatively impact free enterprise, as more public spaces are created at the expense of businesses. He proposes an alternative where businesses affected by the lack of accommodation facilities are granted permits to operate on the Drilon road.
“The problem is that this negatively affects these businesses, which will experience a decline in development and income. Can we find another way to develop this? While we may have more public spaces, businesses will suffer, leading to reduced income for citizens. I think an alternative to consider for these businesses is to utilize another area, which is very suitable—the beach on the way to Volorekë. Businesses could take those spaces, and that area would also develop,” says Lavdërim Miminllari of the Business Association.
Out of 60 businesses that operated in Pogradec in previous years, around 25 are expected to receive permits for sunbed rentals this year.