Half of Albanian citizens (50.7%) never visit churches, mosques, or tekkes. A majority of worshipers only head to these institutions on religious holidays.
The rest of the population does in fact go to church, or mosques, at least once a month (5.9), once a week (7.9%), and more than once a week (5.4%).
Based on a 2011 census carried out by the Institute of Statistics, almost 80% of Albanians declare that they belong to a certain religion.
A majority (57.8%) think that they have as much faith in a religion as their parents do. One in five citizens (21.8%) think that they tend to have less faith than their parents, and smaller numbers (19%) are those who actually are more faithful than their parents.
A considerable majority (73.9%) have maintained the same level of faith as they had 10 years ago. A fifth of Albanians (18.7%) declares that they tend to be more faithful today, than they did 10 years ago, and only 6.3% said they have lost faith in the last decade.
The recent findings are from Euronews Albania’s Barometer, conducted by MRB and Data Centrum on a national level via 1,000 face-to-face interviews from April 25 to May 7.